La Maddalena

La Maddalena

60 paradise islands. 57 of them completely empty.

Topaz Seas

Imagine if Mother Nature sprinkled the BVIs between Sardinia and Corsica. Sandy Caribbean specks suspended in topaz seas. The Maddalena Archipelago equals snorkeling, sunbathing and sandcastles on a deserted beach. Only three of the islands are inhabited. The remaining 57 islands are devoid of human life, and in some cases unnamed. Some are close enough to swim between. All are solely accessible by private boat. 

Yachts for Charter

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A Caribbean-coloured Seascape

Your Guide to La Maddalena

A Caribbean-coloured Seascape

Thank NATO for keeping the Maddalena Archipelago pristine. In 1973 the military alliance built a submarine base on Santo Stefano Island. This rendered the archipelago off limits to fishermen, divers and motor boats. See striped dolphins, slipper lobsters and sunfish thriving in abandon on your La Maddalena yacht charter. Your crew will lead your group through this aquatic Eden. While capturing your dive on underwater cameras. Wonder why the fish seem so happy? They are now protected within a National Park. That’s right, you are swimming in one of the largest Marine Protected Areas in the entire Mediterranean.

Pristine. Protected. Unforgettable.

Which Maddalena Island today? With 60 to choose among, visiting a new one every day would take two months. A Y.CO pick is Spargi. Its palette contains just three colours: cyan sea, blonde beach, emerald forest. Spargi’s impenetrable interior of mastic and juniper trees is so untouched that it once hid a Sardinian bandit, Natale Berretta, who successfully evaded capture. Swim in at dawn to cast the first footprints. That’s the ultimate Robinson Crusoe brag

Tranquility In The Mediterranean

Kids will prefer the main island of Maddalena. It’s an Italian delight of silverine beaches, gelato stores and cioccolata calda cafés. Naturalists can eBike, mountain bike or jog the island perimeter. Spot shearwaters, finches and petrels. Or better still the beach of Bassa Trinita, which is backed by hide-and-seek sand dunes. Need to speak to your chef? He or she will be shopping for swordfish and sea bass in the vivid pescherie alongside Maddalena’s antique marina. Both species taste better when served on the deck of a charter yacht.