Trinidad and Tobago

These twinned islands offer natural charms in abundance. A uniquely spiced melting pot of culture with a range of eclectic attractions. Cruise here and discover the Caribbean’s best-kept secret.

Best-Kept Secret

Best-Kept Secret

Yachts For Charter

Yachts Available in Trinidad and Tobago

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Rainforest Reverie


Rainforest Reverie

Your Guide to Trinidad and Tobago

Nature's Hideout

These twinned islands offer such eclectic attractions you’ll be glad to have a Y.CO charter yacht helming your visit. Trinidad, the dominant of the two brothers, hides abundant natural charms. Tobago, in some ways a more obvious Caribbean dream, is delightfully low-key and underdeveloped. With some of the Caribbean’s best mangroves, diving, birdwatching and trekking to be found beyond T&T’s tourist trail, it pays to sail with those who know.


The Caribbean’s Carnival Central

Africa, Spain, France, the Netherlands and China. Mix all these cultures together and you begin to understand why Trinidad & Tobago’s melting pot is so uniquely spiced. Take Port of Spain’s iconic annual party, Carnival – a giddy mashup of African and European traditions that couldn’t occur anywhere else. Y.CO can help you navigate this intoxicating culture while revealing everyday pleasures such as T&T’s fantastic cuisine and some of the Caribbean’s greatest diving sites. Here’s where we’d start the discovery.

Your Guide to Trinidad and Tobago

Asa Wright Nature Centre

In love with our feathered friends? At Asa Wright You’ll see species including channel-billed toucans, motmots, tanagers, raptors and – if you’re lucky – the full complement of 14 different hummingbird species. A former coffee and cocoa plantation in Trinidad, Asa Wrights occupies nearly 1500 acres. This birdwatcher’s nirvana is around 90 minutes’ drive from your Y.CO yacht mooring in Port of Spain. Just grab a cab and don’t forget your binoculars.

The Caribbean’s Best-Kept Secret

Your Guide to Trinidad and Tobago

The Caribbean’s Best-Kept Secret

Your Guide to Trinidad and Tobago

Grande Riviere

It’s called a ‘resort’ but don’t picture the full landscaped catastrophe, packed with sunburnt families. Grad Riviere is minimally developed and totally charming. From the glittering beach to the waterfall-splashed rainforest it faces, this place is all about nature. The pace of living is easy here, with a laidback village catering to your needs and some low-key hotels, should you decide to spend a night offboard your Y.CO luxury yacht.

Your Guide to Trinidad and Tobago

Little Tobago

Even Tobago has a smaller sibling – Little Tobago. An uninhabited, maple-leaf shaped bird sanctuary 2km offshore from the north-coast fishing village of Speyside, it’s best visited by jumping off your Y.CO luxury charter and hiring a guided glass-bottomed boat. The operator will point out what’s to be seen, from the various bird species to thriving coral gardens such as Angel Reef, home to some of the world’s largest brain corals.