Papua New Guinea Cruising Guide

Papua New Guinea Cruising Guide

A 7 day exploration of the Milne Bay Region



A remote and still relatively undiscovered region, Papua New Guinea is a truly enticing charter destination. Dive in abundant coral reefs, explore local culture, and search for Birds of Paradise in Cloud Forests in this 7 day exploration of the Milne bay region.



After transferring from Alotau, you will embark at the Driftwood Resort. There will be time for some light refreshments before departing and taking the short journey to the picturesque Samarai archipelago, where the yacht will anchor in a secluded bay, just metres from a white sand beach.

After enjoying lunch on board, you can enjoy snorkeling in the nearby reefs. The Samarai archipelago boasts an extraordinary array of unusual marine life; Manta rays can be seen reliably most days, while sightings of rare pygmy sea horses and wasp fish are also possible in the nearby reefs.

In the evening, the crew will prepare a barbeque for all the guests on the beach.

Samarai Island


Today you have the chance to have a guided tour of a local Pearl Farm and purchase high quality pearls at farm prices. A diving excursion can be arranged in the afternoon, or fishing if you prefer.

In the evening, an al fresco dinner will be served on deck.

Basilaki Island


Today we anchor off the volcanic island of Basilaki, situated to the east of the Samarai islands. During the day, you will have the chance to dive some spectacular reefs, and discover the wreck of a WWII P28 Lightning fighter plane.

Daiwari Island


Today we cruise 20 nautical miles north towards our next anchorage - Daiwari Island. Covering less than a square kilometre, this beautiful islet offers white sand beaches as well as opportunities to dive with Hammerhead, Silver Tip and Grey Reef sharks.

Dinner can be enjoyed out on deck under the stars, or on one of the many secluded beaches.



A three hour cruise brings us back to the mainland, to Hiliwau, for a day of exploration. Head ashore to experience the rich Papua New Guinean culture and heritage, with a visit to a local village and a display of traditional dance. If you dare, take the short trek to the Skull Cave, which is littered with human skulls taken from the dead as part of an ancient Papa New Guinean ritual.

For the more adventurous, a 30-minute trek through the jungle will present some amazing photo opportunities, eventually leading to a beautiful secluded waterfall. In the afternoon, the crew will guide you on a snorkeling exploration, where you will have the chance to discover some of the most pristine coral gardens in the world.

Duma Duma Bay


Today we take a three hour cruise to Normanby Island, one of the largest of the volcanic D’Entrecasteaux Islands, and home to an abundance of Birds of Paradise. Here you can trek through the jungle to spot this beautiful endemic species, as well as an abundance of native flora. After lunch on board, kayak or paddleboard to nearby Sewa bay and enjoy swimming in the crystal clear water.

Deedes Lagoon


Today we head towards the beautiful engineer islands, with their kaleidoscopic coral reefs. Anchoring inside a tropical lagoon, you will find fantastic diving, snorkeling and paddle-boarding opportunities in every direction.



After enjoying a final breakfast served on deck, we will head back towards the mainland. As you disembark at the Driftwood Resort, your transfer will be waiting to take you to Alotau for your flight home.