Jessica Storey

Marketing & Communications Manager | Monaco

'unique and dynamic'

'unique and dynamic'

My Story

Once dubbed a chatterbox as a child, I went on to study languages at university. When the opportunity to live in the sunny South of France arose, after a stint in London working for a magazine publisher, I was excited to use my degree in a practical sense. Once installed on the Cote d’Azur, it was obvious to me that in this heartland of yachting there’s no other industry as unique and dynamic as this one. I am responsible for yacht marketing and love to find out what makes every Y.CO yacht special and interesting, for each has its own story. Together with the other members of the brilliant creative team, I work to show off what makes Y.CO yachts the best of the bunch.

My Passion

I have an increasing appreciation for being outside. I love to hike around the local area when I can; a favourite route of mine is the Nietzsche trail in Eze for its incredible views and the opportunity to stop for a cappuccino halfway up in the medieval village. They say simple things please simple minds but sometimes all you need is a good dose of sunlight and some pretty scenery to give you a lovely sense of contentment. That, or wine.

My Favourite Place

4°45'14"S 55°27'54"E