El Mehdi Misbah

El Mehdi Misbah

IT Support | Monaco

'Problem Solver'

'Problem Solver'

My Story

Born in Monaco, I was raised under blue skies and the shining sun of the Cote D’Azur. My interest in IT and technology started at a young age, when my first home computer made its way into the family household. It quickly became my favourite hobby and as I grew up with it, the idea of turning my hobby into a career was a logical step.

People tend to see IT workers as smart people, and they usually are, but I prefer to see myself as a problem solver. When something is not working I like to be the one to step in to solve the problem, fast!


My Passion

My other hobbies are playing Airsoft during the weekend and Parkour, I love the exhilaration of jumping off buildings as high as possible. What's a better way to spend time on a Sunday? I’m also into the Japanese Culture, especially Japanese Animation and visited Japan last year to learn as much about the culture as possible.

My Favourite Place

35°41'14"N 139°45'4"E